underscores - Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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If you aren’t mentally prepared for some existential reflection today, do NOT listen to this song. Despite the uber-specific lyrical narrative that April Harper Grey, a/k/a underscores, presents on “Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” you can’t escape the wave of emotions this song will evoke.

Through eerie, glitchy vocals, “Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” follows a woman with a rare disease, though her real struggle is a religious one. She doesn’t question God for cursing her with this illness; she attempts to find solace in loneliness by convincing herself that her own greed and sinful behavior are the reasons for this disease. However, her internal guilt is misplaced, as she is just living the best she can with the hand she was dealt.

Grey is a skilled world-builder who creates elaborate musical atmospheres that transport the listener into these intimate spaces with her. She plays on our emotions as the musical progression matches the energy of the woman’s story as it’s told. It starts slow and relaxed as we learn about this woman and her struggles before crescendoing into a loud, emotionally driven bridge with distorted synths and deep-fried production. The musical climax forcefully hits as Grey sings, “I’m not scared of Death, no / I’m scared of God.” And then, naturally, the production pulls back to make room for a reflective harmonica solo before Grey delivers the song’s final lines.

Although this song’s electronic, hyper-pop sound may not be for everyone, there’s still something to say about Grey’s songwriting here. You don’t have to have a rare disease to relate; some things are out of your control, and placing the blame on yourself wastes time and energy. Whether you’re a believer or not, Grey will hopefully convince you to learn self-acceptance through this song.


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